Social Work Story

When I first came to Soul, I was sleeping on the street. I felt anxious scared, stressed, and alone. I came to Soul for a free meal and ended up meeting Soul Hubs Social Worker. We talked about my circumstances, and I asked for help.

The Soul Social Worker and I have been working for several months. Now, I have my own place and I am connected with a bunch of other support services.

Most recently Soul gave me a pushbike so I could get around Newcastle more easily. I love my bike and ride it every chance I get on sunny days.

I would say Soul Hub is full of really good people. The staff and volunteers are so nice and welcoming. They helped me a lot.

*Names and images removed for privacy

Newy Rides donated three bikes for us to pass on to our guests. We are so grateful to the Newy Rides crew for their generosity and support towards vulnerable people.

Meet our guests

Our guests and meeting their needs is what compels us. Soul Cafe has become a safe place, a refuge, a family. Its a place where everyone’s welcome because nobody’s perfect and anything is possible.


Mark’s Journey at Soul Hub: A Path to Stability

Mark has been a familiar face at Soul Hub for over a year now and has set his life on a more stable track.

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Larry – February, Soul Calendar

Meet our friend Larry who has been coming to Soul every day since things in his world took an unexpected turn.

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Meet Josh

Josh is now doing a TAFE Course, works part time, and just got his own place not long after this calendar photo was taken.

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